Monday, 28 February 2011

HCI and the Society

HCI or human computer interface is making the computer work for us to make it easier for us to do activities or make some work.  Computers enable us to make purchases in the internet (Amazon, eBay) and it is easy because in just a few clicks you will purchase anything that you want in the comfort of your home. Computers also allow us to be entertained by gaming or social networks (Myspace, Facebook). One disadvantage of this technology in the society is, people don’t go out too much because almost everything they need can be purchased and delivered in their home. Also, some users prefer chatting online rather than going out and socialise in person. Some users get addicted to game and they play their games all day and not going out to get some exercise.  
People use computerized devices system because they want to achieve their goals easily. For example, if a user wants to do an essay for their coursework, they will use Microsoft Word rather than writing in pen because writing in pen is quite messy if you get mistakes but in the computer, you can correct some spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes easily before printing it.
Computerised systems should be easy to learn and use to make it available to a large audience. If you make a computerised system complicated to use, a few users will know what to do and some beginner users will not know what to do. And if the systems are not easily learnt, some users might take a lot of time learning it and they might give up if it is too complicated for them. Making computerised systems user friendly will have a good impact to the society because users can do tasks on computers easily and effectively.
HCI made it easier for people to use technology and it has made communications or daily chores easier. Mobile phones made it easier for people to communicate with others. Flexible phones make it easier to store phone safely. Touch screen technology also helps people to use the phone without pushing any button. Some of the new technology and HCI is user friendly and it is much easier and accessible to new users.
HCI also helps people with disabilities to use computers easily. For example, if someone has a disability and has trouble with typing something in the computer, they can use speech recognition software. They can just speak and the computer will type what they are saying. This impacts the society because people with disabilities can work even if they have disability. They can also contribute to society even if they are disabled.
HCI creates equipments or software that is user friendly. This impacts the society because more people will use computers and this will bring people together. More people also will work with computers because it is easy and this will help them with their job.
Domestic appliance displays helps the society. Appliances with digital displays can help people. For example, a digital display in a washing machine will tell people know when the washing up is finished. People with disabilities can also benefit to digital displays in appliances. For example, people that are deaf could just look at the display and this will tell them information about what the appliance is doing.
There are pilots who use remote control airplanes called drones to control an aircraft in their airbase. This will help them because they can just control the aircraft without risking their lives. It is also helpful for disabled pilots who are injured. For example, if they lose their feet on an accident, they can apply as a pilot ant control aircrafts using remote control devices.
Data logger has a big impact on the society. This will allow a worker to collect information about every person. This helps the society by finding about a specific person. For example, someone has broken the law. The police will look at the data and all the information that the person has.
Fly by wire is a system that replaces the manual flight control. This system allows automatic signal sent by the aircraft to perform actions. This helps the society because people can just use a system to control an aircraft. it does have a negative effect on society, because airports will just rely on computers to fly an aircraft and some pilot might lose their job.
Virtual reality has a good effect on the society. People can experience anything in the virtual reality. They can also use virtual reality to create something unreal. The negative effect of virtual reality is people or users will get stucked on virtual reality and not in the real world.
Heads up display helps the society because they will give information on what the machine is doing. They could also know what the limitation of equipment is. A negative effect of this is people are now relying on HUD and it might give wrong information.


  1. A) Very well, there is alot of information on this blog, accompanied by a youtube video which is very helpfull for the readers and people who learn more form watching clips and videos.

    B) The background is a dull colour but this is good as it is easy to read the information, and the text is easy to read as it is white text against a grey background.

    C)The text is white and the background is grey which means it is easier to read. the general background is not very colourful and the text is big enough to read.

    D)There is not much that would improve this blog becuase it has so much information, the only thing that i would personally change is the colours

    E)The information is the key attraction, but i also like the tools on the top right of the blog

    F) The blog needs some pictures or a few more features.

    G)yes it is easy to navigate.

    H)Yes it was easy to input my comment to this blog.

    I)Yes, i thinik the blog has alot of information to offer to a wide audience looking to find out about the impacts of HCI on society.

  2. a) The impacts of HCI are described in a descriptive and detailed way.

    b) The text size is sufficient enough for a visually impaired person, because I can sit far back in my chair and read it. The headings are in a even bigger size so they will stand out even more. The white writing stands out against the black background.

    c) The colour of the writing is white which stands out well against the black background. The background is a grey/black colour. It is suitable for a blog, and also the visually impaired because the colours contrast.

    d) The images used are appropriate to the section of text they are under. The visually impaired will be able to see them because they are sized correctly and bright in colour.

    e) The best feature of your blog is the colour scheme of black, white and orange. The black background is dark enough to create a contrast but not to dark to hurt the readers eyes. The headings main headings are in orange, which makes them stand out against the rest.

    f) Your blog has videos which will be useful to the visually impaired because of the audio. The HCI and society could be improved by adding a picture.

    g) You blog is easy to navigate around, because each section is after the over.

    h) It is easy to input into the blog because of the comments section.

    i) The blog would be suitable for a wider audience because of the simplicity and various media formats i.e. videos, photos, pictures used.
